Monday, October 22, 2007

Waiting game

So here I sit, counting the days, hours, seconds off on the caldender until my ass is grass. Unfortunately the days seem to go by faster and faster, there's never enough time to do everything I want to. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe basic will go by quickly. Somehow I doubt it. I got everything on my pre-basic task list finished except for the PT section. Me and my recruiter are supposed to do that the day before I leave, which is tomorrow I guess. I can't wait to fail.

Me and my recruiter we're talking while he was over here and he said something along the lines of "Dont worry about it man youll have fun at basic" and I responded with a "I hope so." Not a sad "I hope so" but more of a realistic one. Of course he took it as a sign of me wishing I hadn't signed up which isnt the case. At this point all of the excitement (or nervous energy) is being replaced with more of a "Lets just get this over with" additude. I don't know if there's a word for that or not.

One thing I am dreading about basic is the tendonitis in my knees and ankles which will, without a doubt, hit me during the first two or three weeks. I remember how much of a hell middle and high school football was during the first few weeks of every season trying to cope with a pain you have no control over and no idea when/if it will end. That was always the hardest thing about football for me. Not the pushups, situps, butterfly kicks none of that stuff. That was easy compared to having to pop pills 24/7 so it didn't feel like your knees and ankles were exploding. I don't think I'll quit but I know there will be plenty of whining. I continued football practice with a broken leg (which was mistaken for tendonitis by 3 doctors) for several weeks before throwing in the towel so maybe I'll be Army Strong enough to suck it up. Heh.

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