Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Last Hoo(r)ah

The night before I ship. I'm more fearful getting down there and not having something that was on the packing list than I am of the actual BCT itself. I'm lucky in the sense that, because of my training schedule, I'll have a two week break right in the middle of my training cycle to rest up and see friends and stuff. I'll let you know how that goes. I think the hardest things about that will be worrying about the cost of flying back and forth and actually having to go back to Hell...I mean Benning.

I'm almost positive that I'm going to end up in "Fat Camp" for my run time but I'm trying to stay optomistic about it. I've made up my mind that during the initial PT Assessment I'll just run as hard as I can until I die or they tell me to stop. The first one seems more likely. I used to run just about everyday but around the time that I started my MEPS journey I cut out the running totally. I probably havn't ran in over a month so the two months or so of progress that I made on my run time are probably wasted by now.

My hopes and dreams in the Army? A secondary goal of mine is to be in a Sniper unit but my main focus is on the Special Forces. Some of the coolest people I've known are or were SF Operators. I'm sure you're thinking "Great, get in line kid." but for me this is the one thing that nobody can ever convince me to quit on. The second I get my GT score in shape (currently 101, 110 required for 18B which is what I want) and my body in shape, I'm going for it.

Hopefully I don't get to post on here until Christmas. If I was able to, it would mean that I either quit (not happening) or am injured severely enough that I've been placed in an area with computers. This would be a bad thing.

Anyways, I suppose I'm off to do things like go over my packing list for a third time. Hopefully the Drill Sergeants square me away nicely and I'll graduate with a blue cord and my silver wings if the dice fall in my favor. And the real journey begins. Hooah!

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